Forget-me-nots (Myosotis) are small but very expressive flowers that are often associated with tenderness and memory. Their pale blue, less often pink or white, flowers have become a symbol of love and devotion in different cultures. Let’s look at the characteristics of these plants, their types and the conditions necessary for their successful growth.

Description and types

Forget-me-nots belong to the Borage family (Boraginaceae) and number about fifty species. The most well-known are:

Forest forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica): found in forests and forest edges, has blue flowers and leaves covered in light pubescence

Field forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis): often grows in fields and meadows. Its flowers are also blue, but smaller.

Water forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris): prefers damp places. Its flowers can be either blue or white.

Conditions for growing

Forget-me-nots are fairly unpretentious plants but, for their successful growth, several conditions must be taken into account:

Light: forget-me-nots prefer partial shade or sunny areas. They can also grow in the shade, but flowering will be less abundant.

Soil: these plants prefer rich, moist, well-drained soils. Loams or black, humus-rich, soils are ideal. Avoid soils that are too acidic or alkaline.

Humidity: forget-me-nots love moisture, so regular watering is important for their growth, especially during the hot summer months. However, do not allow the stagnation of water to avoid root rot.

Temperature: forget-me-nots are quite frost-resistant and can tolerate low temperatures but, in harsh conditions, they could be covered.

Fertiliser: during the period of active growth, forget -me-nots should be fed with complex fertiliser, promoting more abundant flowering.


Forget-me-nots can be propagated by seed or by dividing the bush. Seeds are planted in open ground in spring or autumn. When dividing the bush, it is best to carry out the procedure in early spring or autumn, when the plant is dormant.

Use in landscape design

Forget-me-nots are often used in landscape design to create beautiful flower beds, borders and alpine areas. They can be combined with other flowers, such as tulips, daffodils and peonies, creating bright, harmonious compositions.


Forget-me-nots are not only beautiful but, also, symbolic flowers. Their lightness and tenderness make them popular among gardeners and flower growers. By creating the right conditions for their growth, you can enjoy their beauty for a long time, as well as preserve the memories of loved ones and the moments they represent.


One response to “Forget-me-not: symbol of tenderness and memory”

  1. Onetobe avatar

    A small smart flower which has a lot inside. Dreams, memories, smiles moments, … everything. A lovely enjoyable wow article. I liked it very much. Thanks

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